

When I was 12 years old, 
I felt all alone in this world. From my top bunk cabin window, I saw this one lonely yellow flower and thought, "God, if it's true that you love us and came to us as the man, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and rise again to give us your life... please let there be more flowers with this one in the morning when I wake up."

Next day, I woke up 
and went to work with the little ones in the nursery. I suddenly remembered I needed to do something. I told the other workers I'd be right back, that I needed to do something! I ran back to my bunk in the cabin, looked out my window. 
There was only the one yellow flower.

"Go look closer..." 

I got down to look, 
and was welcomed by a ground full of tiny purple flowers glorifying the one yellow flower.

God heard me very personally. 
He answered my simple prayer and opened my heart to see that He IS real, and He does Love ME!!!

I LOVE YOU, dear God! 


HE Loves YOU, too!


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